詹嘉禮市議員―2020年9月10日―COVID-19 每日更新
詹嘉禮市議員―2020年9月10日―COVID-19 每日更新
- 16,477宗累計確診病例
- 58宗當日新增病例
- 住院患者26人
- 累計死亡1,176人
- 累計康復14,794人
· 市府正為今年秋冬可能爆發的COVID-19第二波疫情做好準備。市政經理Chris Murray今天宣佈,Pegg隊長將恢復其多倫多COVID-19應急管理全職總指揮一職。副消防隊長Jim Jessop將出任代理消防隊長。
· 今天,市府為租期少於連續28天房屋出租的經營者推出新的線上註冊登記系統。
o 短租經營者必須向市府登記,才能在多倫多出租住房。用於短期租賃的物業,必須是經營者的主要住所。主要住所是指房東本人居住的住所,其地址用於支付帳單、身份證明、稅收和保險。短租經營者必須通過這個網站在線註冊。
· 市府將於9月13日(本星期日)上午9時至下午1時在位於120 Disco路的Disco廢品回收站舉辦2020年首個社區環保日。
o 在9月和10月的星期日,市府將在市內的回收站接連舉辦社區環保日。如需獲得更多訊息,包括完整的活動日程,請瀏覽toronto.ca/environment_days網站。
September 10, 2020 – COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 16,477 total cases
- 58 new confirmed cases
- 26 people hospitalized
- 1,176 deaths
- 14,794 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
Theft Attempts on Cars Parked in Driveways
My office has received notice of recent attempted thefts on cars parked on driveways at night. Please do not leave any valuables in your vehicles. Under no circumstances should your vehicles be left unattended and unlocked. To ensure the safety of your vehicle, park in the garage and keep garage doors locked. If possible, bolster your home security with external cameras.
City of Toronto
· As Toronto prepares for a resurgence of COVID-19 this fall and winter, City Manager Chris Murray today announced that Chief Pegg will resume his role as Toronto’s COVID-19 Incident Commander on a full-time basis. Deputy Fire Chief Jim Jessop will be acting Fire Chief.
· Today, the City of Toronto has launched a new online registration system for short-term rental operators who rent their homes on a short-term basis for a period of less than 28 consecutive days.
o Short-term rental operators must register with the City in order to operate in Toronto. Operators are only allowed to rent their principal residence on a short-term basis. A principal residence is the residence where they live and the address used for bills, identification, taxes and insurance. Registration for short-term rentals must be completed online by clicking here.
· The City of Toronto will hold its first 2020 Community Environment Day event this Sunday, September 13 at Disco Drop-Off Depot located at 120 Disco Road from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
o Additional Environment Days will be held at the City’s Drop-off Depots on Sundays throughout September and October. More information including the full event schedule is available at toronto.ca/environment_days.
Office of Hon. Jim Karygiannis
Councillor Ward 22
Phone: 416-392-1374
Fax.: (647) 723 0278
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