詹嘉禮市議員―2020年9月11日― COVID-19 每日更新
詹嘉禮市議員―2020年9月11日―COVID-19 每日更新
- 累計確診病例:16,609
- 當日新增病例:74
- 住院患者:26
- 累計死亡:1,175
- 累計康復:14,888
· 開放臨時南側月台投入使用,北側月台及北側通道將因施工而關閉。
· Sheppard街西南側的樓梯將停止使用。
· 新入口可以安全通往新月台―一個入口在車站大樓附近,而更南邊的另一個入口可以從停車場直接進入月臺。
· 在愛靜閣站,部分火車車門會關閉。如不確定應從哪個車門上車,請查看車站的登車資訊圖,或向客戶服務求助。
· 改建新月台,將縮短從公交環路和停車場到月台的路程。
· 南北停車場均已恢復使用。殘疾人停車位暫時被安排在北側停車場。
· 市府宣佈允許在所有室外露臺(包括在CaféTO計劃封路地段)使用流動性暖爐,幫助延長開放戶外用餐空間。今天,多倫多消防局為室外露臺和茶座的經營者提供了安全使用指南,經營者須嚴格遵守。
· 市府正在計畫進行一項在線調查,徵求本市餐館經營者和顧客對CaféTO計畫的意見。調查結果將有助於對該計劃的未來決策。 更多訊息
· 省府正式啟用通報學校和日托中心COVID-19確診病例的追蹤網頁。
o 該網頁將在每個工作日發佈COVID-19最新數據,內容包括學校和託兒中心及機構的病例狀況。民眾可以藉此瞭解校內是否有確診病例及資訊來源。
· 省府將額外撥款1,475萬加元,以增加全省省民獲得心理健康和戒癮服務的機會。
· 省府投資290萬加元,資助為安省應對COVID-19疫情提供支援的八個研究項目。項目將集中在諸如支援家庭和兒童的心理健康和福祉、評估COVID-19對健康的長期影響、開發更好管理患者護理的應用程式、以及評估佩戴口罩的防疫功效等方面。
· 聯邦政府將向多倫多市提供1,390萬加元的資金,為那些無法安全進行居家隔離的人士提供自願隔離中心。
o 該資金將支付未來12個月運營酒店140張床位的費用。
o 該計劃旨在遏制病毒在家庭成員間的傳播,特別是針對室友同居或數世同堂的情況。
September 11, 2020 – COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 16,609 total cases
- 74 new confirmed cases
- 26 people hospitalized
- 1,175 deaths
- 14,888 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
Agincourt GO Station Access During Construction
Starting September 18, there will be a number of changes to access at Agincourt GO station:
· A temporary south platform will be open and available for use. The north platform and north walkway will be closed for construction.
· There will be no access to the Sheppard southwest stairs.
· New entrances will safely lead to the new platform – one will be near the station building. Another farther south will give direct access to the platform from the parking lot.
· Not all train doors will open at Agincourt. If unsure, please look at the station’s boarding infographic or ask a Customer Service Ambassador for assistance.
· The new platform means a shorter walk from the bus loop and parking lot to where passengers board the train.
· The north and south parking lots have been restored for use. Accessible parking will be temporarily relocated to the North parking lot.
Click this link herefor more information about the project at Agincourt GO.
City of Toronto
· The City of Toronto has announced plans to allow portable heaters to be placed in all outdoor patios, including CaféTO curb lane closures, to help keep outdoor dining spaces open longer. The guidelines for safe use developed by Toronto Fire Services has been made available to patio and café operators today, and operators must follow them closely.
· The City is planning an online survey to gather input from both local restaurant operators about the CaféTO program and customers who have visited CaféTO locations. Input from the survey will help inform future decisions about the program. Read more…
Government of Ontario
· The Government of Ontario is launching a webpage to report COVID-19 cases in schools and child care centres.
o This page will be updated every weekday with the most up-to-date COVID-19 information available, including a summary of cases in schools and licensed child care centres and agencies, whether a COVID-19 case is confirmed at your school and where the numbers come from.
· The Government of Ontario is providing an additional $14.75 million to increase access to mental health and addictions services across Ontario.
· The Government of Ontario is investing over $2.9 million to fund eight research projects that aim to support Ontario's response to COVID-19. Projects will focus on areas such as supporting the mental health and well-being of families and children, assessing the long-term health effects of COVID-19, the development of an app to better manage the care of patients, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of wearing masks to block the virus.
Government of Canada
· The Federal Government will provide the City of Toronto with $13.9 million in funding to operate voluntary self-isolation centres for people with COVID-19 who are unable to safely isolate at home.
o The fund will cover the costs of operating a 140-bed, hotel-based facility for the next 12 months.
o The initiative is meant to reduce in the spread of the virus within households, specifically for those who live with roommates or live in multi-generational homes.
Office of Hon. Jim Karygiannis
Councillor Ward 22
Phone: 416-392-1374
Fax.: (647) 723 0278
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