- 累計確診病例:17,028
- 當日新增病例:86
- 住院患者:20
- 累計死亡:1,178
- 累計康復:15,089
· 省府對多倫多、皮爾區和渥太華地區的社交聚會和公共活動收緊限制人數。新的限制將於9月18日0時01分生效。
o 該限聚令對參加社交聚會或有組織公共活動的人數進行新的限制:
§ 室內活動或聚會最多10人;或
§ 室外活動或聚會最多25人。
§ 組織者不可將室內活動和室外活動合併成一個活動舉辦。
o 新限聚令不適用於由配備工作人員的商業機構或設施舉辦的活動或聚會,例如酒吧、餐館,電影院,會議中心或宴會廳、健身房、以及休閒體育或藝術表演等。在這些企業和設施,需繼續執行包括公共衛生及工作場所安全措施等現行準則。
· 為支持民眾更好地遵守公共衛生指引,對《重啟安省法案》進行以下修訂:
o 定立在私人住宅或其他規定的場所舉辦或組織超出限聚令聚會人數限制的新罪行。
o 對活動組織者最低罰款1萬加元。
o 由省督批准適用於新限聚令有關其他類別場所的規定。
- 授權警員、特別警員或原住民警員若有合理理由相信有人正在舉辦超出人數限制的聚會,可暫時關閉聚會場所,並要求參與人員離開。更多資訊
September 17, 2020 – COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto (data as of September 16)
- 17,028 total cases
- 86 new confirmed cases
- 20 people hospitalized
- 1,178 deaths
- 15,089 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
Government of Ontario
The Provincial Government has set a new limit of the number of people permitted to attend social gatherings and public events in Toronto, Peel Region and Ottawa. The new limits will come into effect on September 18 at 12:01 am.
The Order will set a new limit on the number of people allowed to attend social gatherings or organized public events to:
- 10 people at an indoor event or gathering; or
- 25 people at an outdoor event or gathering.
- Indoor and outdoor events and gatherings cannot be merged together.
- New limits will not apply to events or gatherings held in staffed businesses and facilities, such as bars, restaurants, cinemas, convention centres or banquet halls, gyms, and recreational sporting or performing art events. Existing rules, including public health and workplace safety measures, for these businesses and facilities continue to be in effect.
The Order will set a new limit on the number of people allowed to attend social gatherings or organized public events to:
To support better compliance with public health guidelines, the following amendments to the Reopening Ontario Act are being made:
- A new offence regarding hosting or organizing a gathering in residential premises or other prescribed premises that exceeds limits under an order
- A minimum fine of $10,000 for organizers of these gatherings
- Authority for the Lieutenant Governor in Council to prescribe additional types of premises for the purpose of the new offence.
- Authorize a police officer, special constable or First Nations constable to order the temporary closure of a premise where there are reasonable grounds to believe that a gathering exceeding the number of people allowed is taking place and require individuals to leave the premises. Read more…
Office of Hon. Jim Karygiannis
Councillor Ward 22
Phone: 416-392-1374
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