Official Grand Opening of Markham Cat Adoption and Education Centre
MARKHAM – February 16, 2016 – Markham’s new Cat Adoption and Education Centre(CAEC) is bringing felines and families together as more local families are experiencing the joy of opening their homes to healthy, vaccinated and well-adjusted cats in need of a new “forever home”.
The Official CAEC Grand Opening brings local government officials, special guests and the community together to celebrate this unique initiative - the first such cat adoption “storefront” in the GTA and the only one in Ontario to be funded by a municipality.
Markham City Council initiated the storefront adoption and education centre model in 2015 as a solution towards reducing cat euthanasia rates in the region. The program goal is to reach more than 200 cat adoptions each year and to provide education services to enhance pet care.
Since January, when the Centre opened its doors, 31 cats have been adopted.
- Mayor and Members of Council
- Ontario SPCA representatives
- Dr. Clayton Greenway
- Grand Opening of Markham’s Cat Adoption and Education Centre
- The CAEC houses 17 cats on a regular basis and provides a convenient, accessible location for adoption and education services. The Grand Opening event invites media and local community members to experience this unique adoption Centre and event day festivities.
WHEN: Tuesday, February 23, 2016
- 10:30 a.m. -Grand Opening Remarks & Ribbon Cutting with Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti and Special Guests
- 11:15 a.m - Ask The Expert - Dr. Clayton Greenway answers your pet questions
- 6 - 8 p.m. - Family Fun Skate and Activities
- Ongoing - CAEC Tours
- Thornhill Community Centre and Library
- 7755 Bayview Avenue, Markham
- South entrance, facing John Street