2016 Operating Budget Addresses Rising Costs and Builds a Foundation for the Future
At a Special Council Meeting on February 23, Richmond Hill Council approved the 2016 Operating Budget of $156.2 million. An additional $15 fee will also be levied to fund repair and replacement of aging infrastructure (such as roads, parks and buildings). This will appear as Capital Asset Sustainability on Richmond Hill tax bills.
Richmond Hill’s taxes only account for approximately one quarter of the total tax bill. When combined with the Region of York and school board impacts to the tax bill, Richmond Hill residents will see an overall tax rate increase of 2.57 per cent. This is equal to $136.12 in property taxes on an average home assessed at $638,000. Council also increased the Seniors’ Tax Assistance Grant to $360 per eligible applicant.
How does Richmond Hill’s Municipal Tax Rate compare?
Richmond Hill's municipal tax rate remains lower than most Greater Toronto Area (GTA) municipalities. In York Region, only Markham has a lower tax rate.
What are some of Richmond Hill’s budget pressures?
Ÿ Consumer Price Index (CPI): +2.0%
Ÿ Hydro: +10%
Ÿ Road/traffic contracts, materials and supplies: +5.75%
Ÿ Non-Metallic Minerals (includes salt): +10.5%
Ÿ Stone, Sand, Gravel, Clay and etc.: +2.70%
Ÿ Commercial Software (Canada): +10.6%
Ÿ Water & Wastewater wholesale rates: +9%
Why have Richmond Hill’s water rates gone up?
All properties in Richmond Hill are billed for water supply and wastewater services. Both services are billed based on the metered water consumption, as water meters are engineered to be extremely accurate. The 9% increase to the water and wastewater rates is driven by the rate charged to Richmond Hill by the Region of York. The Town is required to recover the costs for this charge.
Visit for more information about Richmond Hill’s 2016 Budget, including a tax calculator and departmental draft budgets and presentations.