On this wonderful celebration which took place on Saturday, May 14, 2016. Despite of the cold and rainy weather, all senior members from the community have enjoyed this fabulous day. Over 80 seniors gathered together to celebrate this event starting with a warm and touching speech from Mrs. So.
For this special occasion, Minister Michael Chan, Mayor Frank Scarpitti and Councillor Amanda Collucci joined us in presenting a speech to our community, giving thanks to all the volunteers who organized this event and acknowledged their commitments towards the senior community. Also a special thanks to the Ward 6 Seniors Association as a platform representing the voice of seniors in the neighborhood, bringing the seniors together to avoid any isolations. To celebrate this event, many seniors have also prepared a set of amazing performances and displayed a variety of hand-made artwork.
To express the heart-warm feelings to all the mothers, everyone was loudly singing and dancing with joy!
The spectacular performances of dancing in Chinese QiPao as well as demonstrating Tai Chi exercises have won a lot of applauds from the audiences.
Feelings expressed through music and laughter. Mothers recognized for the love and care they provide to their family and friends.
可能是被大家的熱情所感動,下午太陽露出了燦爛的微笑,給我們的聚會錦上添花。大家依依不捨,相約不久再相聚! 在此對贊助商地產經紀鄭永麟夫婦、Love Me Sweet-日式輕奶酪蛋糕店 洪筠皓老闆、大鵬地產丁丁老闆、地產三兄妹表示真誠謝意!(文/屠劍榮,張玉潔)
Once again, thank you for all the organizers sponsors and volunteers who participated this indescribable event and inviting the community to celebrate with each other.
市議員楊綺清女士的母親 - 楊太和萬錦市長薛家平先生的合照。
Mother of Councillor Collucci – Mrs. Yeung pictured with Mayor Frank Scarpitti.