Jim Karygiannis: COVID-19 Updates – March 28, 2020
During this difficult time, in order to lift up spirits and to show appreciation for our frontline, healthcare and essential workers, some residents of Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt will be singing ‘O Canada’ outside on their balconies at 12:00 PM on Sunday, March 29th. Community members are invited to join in.
City of Toronto - Child Care Centres
Emergency child care services are reserved exclusively for children of essential and critical services workers. These child care centres will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
To be eligible, workers must be required to report to an official work location to deliver the service without the ability to work from home. City staff required to report to an official work location to deliver core essential services are also eligible.
The City will commit to child care spaces for eligible families on a first come, first served basis. Eligible workers must complete and submit the online application. They will be contacted by Toronto Children's Services staff if space is available.
For details on eligibility and application and to view a complete list of workers eligible for emergency child care, visit https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-social-support/covid-19-child-care-for-essential-workers/.
Garbage, Recycling and Organics Disposal
All personal hygiene/sanitary products, including tissues, wipes, masks and gloves should be disposed of in the garbage.
Please ensure that all material placed in garbage bins is bagged, specifically cleaning products such as wipes, tissues/napkins and other sanitary/hygiene products.
Garbage Tags are still required for excess garbage/bag-only collection and can be bought online and mailed to your home.
Drop-Off Depots (Transfer Stations) are closed to the general public. Garbage, recycling, organics and yard waste from residents will not be accepted. Only those with an existing registered account can continue to bring material to Drop-off Depots (Transfer Stations). No new account requests will be processed at this time. Drop-Off Depots will not operate on Saturdays.
Toxic Taxi services and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) drop-off are suspended. Hazardous waste should be safely stored until services resume.
Bin deliveries and bin exchanges are suspended. Existing service requests will be completed once service resumes.
All Community Environment Days scheduled in April have been cancelled.
Road, Sidewalk and Bikeway Maintenance
Winter maintenance and emergency road, bridges, bikeway and sidewalk repairs and maintenance will continue.
Routine operations including street cleaning, event support, and non-essential repairs and maintenance to expressways, roads, sidewalks and bridges have been deferred.
Non-emergency (contracted) road and sidewalk repairs will be suspended.
Government of Ontario
Premier Doug Ford is calling on big-city residents and snowbirds to avoid self-isolating at their cottages amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Health officials say more lab testing sites are opening and Ontario hopes to be doing 5,000 tests a day by the end of the weekend.
Provincial officials are working to protect Ontario's supply chain to ensure front-line health-care workers have much-needed equipment, like ventilators, masks, and swabs.
The province is removing barriers allowing Ontario's manufacturing sector to redeploy capacity toward the production of healthcare equipment.
Government of Canada
Prime Minister urged Canadians to continue to practice social distancing, proper hygiene and stay home.
Effective noon Monday, March 30, 2020, any individual showing any symptoms of COVID-19 (coughing. fever, etc) will be unable to travel domestically by plane or train
Prime Minister urged Canadians to visit the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/campaigns/covid-19-update.html to begin the process of registering, through their MyAccount, for the various assistance programs. Prime Minister urged Canadians to permit direct deposit into their bank account.
應對COVID-19每日更新─ 2020 年3 月28 日
加拿大COVID-19 感染情況越演越烈。在此艱難時刻,為振奮精神,感謝防疫前線的醫務人員和關鍵部門服務人員,3月29日(星期日)中午12點,士嘉堡─ 愛靜閣第22區的居民將在陽台上同聲齊唱加拿大國歌「O Canada」,誠邀社區人士參加。
• 緊急托兒服務只接收關鍵服務部門人員的子女。每周7天、每天24小時開放。
• 要符合條件,工作人員必須需要到正式指定工作地點報到以提供服務,而無法在家工作。市府工作人員如果因為要提供核心基本服務而須到正式指定地點上班,也同樣符合條件。
• 市府承諾為符合條件的家庭提供足夠的托兒服務名額,採取先到先得的政策。符合條件的員工必須填寫並提交在線申請。一旦產生托兒名額,多倫多兒童服務部的工作人員就會與他們聯繫。
• 有關資格要求和申請步驟的詳細信息,以及界定有資格使用緊急托兒服務人員的完整列表,請點擊:https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-social-support/covid-19-child-care-for-essential-workers/。
• 所有個人衛生/潔具用品,包括紙巾、濕紙巾、口罩和手套,都應當做垃圾處理。
• 請確保將垃圾箱內的所有物品裝袋,特別是清潔產品,如濕紙巾、紙巾/餐巾及其他衛生/潔具用品。
• 如需收集額外垃圾/只限袋裝,仍然需要提供垃圾標籤,標籤可以在線online購買,有關部門會郵寄到家。
• 廢品站(中轉站)Drop-Off Depots對公眾關閉。不會接受垃圾、可回收垃圾、有機物和庭院垃圾。只有那些已經擁有註冊帳戶的居民才能繼續把垃圾送到廢品站(中轉站)。此時不會登記任何新帳戶。廢品站在星期六關閉。
• 暫停家庭危險廢物Household Hazardous Waste(HHW)的收集與運輸服務。在服務恢復之前,應安全儲存危險廢物。
• 暫停垃圾箱交付和交換。在服務恢復後,會完成目前收到的服務請求。
• 取消4月份已安排的所有社區環境日。
• 冬季維修以及緊急道路、橋梁、自行車道和人行道的維修和維護將繼續進行。
• 常規操作,包括街道清潔、活動支持、以及高速公路、車道、人行道和橋梁的非必要維修和維護,均需推遲。
• 暫停非緊急(訂立合同的)的車道和人行道維修。
• 省長Doug Ford呼籲城市居民和雪鳥避免在COVID-19大流行期間去別墅自我隔離。
• 省衛生官說,將會開放更多檢測中心,安省有望在本週結束前做到每天能夠進行5000次檢測。
• 省府正在努力保護安省的供應鏈,以確保前線醫護人員獲得急需的醫療設備,如呼吸機、口罩和棉簽。
• 省府正致力於破除障礙,幫助安省製造業重新部署產能,投入醫療設備生產。
• 總理敦促加拿大人繼續保持安全社交距離、注重良好衛生習慣,以及留在家裡。
• 任何出現COVID-19症狀(咳嗽、發燒等)的人士,將會被強制取消乘坐國內飛機或火車旅行。該限制將於2020年3月30日(星期一)中午起生效。
• 總理敦促加拿大民眾瀏覽稅務局網站:
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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