Jim Karygiannis:COVID-19 Updates – March 30 2020
Last week, I called for donations of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to our frontline workers. I want to thank the community businesses and stakeholders that stepped forward and provided donations to these workers. I had the pleasure of taking two truckloads of PPE to our Toronto Paramedics. We thank them for their service. As I understand, the PPE drive for the Doctors of Scarborough Health Network was also a success.
To the frontline workers that have been affected by COVID-19: our prayers and best wishes are with you and your families.
During this critical time, the Scarborough Health Network continues to call for financial, medical equipment and PPE supply assistance during this time. If you are interested in donating to the Scarborough Health Network, please visit their website at: http://www.shnfoundation.ca/covidfund.
City of Toronto
• The City of Toronto continues to receive many complaints regarding violation of orders to stay away from City parks amenities. Those who continue to use parks amenities at this time will be charged a minimum $750 and maximum $5000 fine.
• Mayor Tory has asked businesses that are still open to accommodate TTC operators along their routes for bathroom breaks.
• The City of Toronto has contracted 5 hotels, with a total of 650 rooms, to provide shelter for the homeless population. 2 of these hotel sites are already in use.
O A further 5 hotels with approximately 500 rooms in total are in the process of being secured to house the homeless population.
O Members of the homeless population have also been re-housed in Toronto Community Housing units. 19 units were occupied this week and 50 additional housing units have been identified.
O City staff continues to look for vacant sites for the homeless population and are also looking for potential sites for permanent housing to help with affordable housing shortage once the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
• Applications for Ontario Works financial assistance will continue online and through the City‘s Application and Support Centre from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. The Application and Support Centre will be accessible by phone only at 416-338-8888 or 1-888-465-4478 (toll free)
• There have been changes to Ontario Works payment methods and in-person payment pick-ups at Ontario Works offices. Please check the following link for changes to payment dates and payment pick-up: https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/affected-city-services/?accordion=employment-and-social-services
• 3 Ontario Works offices are currently open:
O Metro Hall Employment & Social Services (214 Wellington St. W., 416-392-2600)
O Scarborough Village Employment & Social Services (3660 Kingston Rd., 416-392-2800)
O York Humber Employment & Social Services (605 Rogers Rd., 416-392-6200)
Government of Ontario
• Government of Ontario is strongly recommending that individuals over the age of 70 self-isolate given the greater risk of severe outcomes due to COVID-19
O Seek services over the phone or internet from family, friends or neighbours with essential errands
O If you are self-isolating, monitor yourself for COVID-19 symptoms for 14 days after returning and contact your primary care provider or Telehealth if you experience symptoms of COVID-19
O The Ontario government is working with businesses, volunteer organizations and non-profits to make it easier for Ontario seniors to self-isolate and practice physical distancing by ensuring they can receive the support they need to stay safe.
O The government is investing $10 million to help community organizations with the coordination of subsidized deliveries of meals, medicines and other necessities to seniors and is working with grocers and pharmacists to prioritize seniors’ delivery orders and establish senior-only shopping hours
O The government is working with province-wide organizations like Ontario Community Support Association ( OCSA) and Older Adults Centres’ Association of Ontario ( OACAO) to identify and mobilize potential volunteer supports and expand the use of innovative technologies in the community to address social isolation
Government of Canada
• For businesses to qualify for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy: revenues must have decreased by at least 30% due to COVID19, no minimal number of employees, applies to non-profit organizations and charities. The federal government will cover 75% of wages on the first $58,000 of salary ($847 a week) for employees of such companies.
• This upcoming week is very critical in the fight against COVID19, Canadians must practice social distancing and stay home
• Federal government ensures that the Armed Forces are ready to be deployed to any part of the country
應對COVID-19每日更新 ─ 2020 年 3 月 30日
• 市府繼續收到許多關於違反閉園規定的投訴。對於此時繼續使用公園設施的違規者,根據情節,市府將處以750元至5000元罰款。
• 莊德利市長要求仍在營業的企業允許沿線TTC駕駛員使用洗手間。
• 市府已與5家酒店簽約,安排使用總共650間客房,為無家可歸者提供住所。其中兩家酒店現已交付使用。
O 市府正在協調另外5家酒店,共約500間客房,為無家可歸者提供住所。
O 無家可歸者也被重新安置在多倫多廉租房。本週入住19個單元,並確定了50個額外的住房單元。
O 市府工作人員繼續為無家可歸者尋找庇護所,並且還在為他們尋找COVID-19大流行結束後永久性住所的潛在地點,以幫助解決廉租房短缺問題。
O 週一至週五上午8:30至下午5點,可繼續通過在線申請和本市申請支持中心,申請安大略省工作計劃的財務協助。只能通過致電416-338-8888或1-888-465-4478(免費電話)與申請支持中心聯繫。
O 安大略省工作計劃的付款方式和在安大略工作計劃辦公室親身取款方式發生了變化。請查閱以下鏈接,瞭解付款日期和取款方式的更改:https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/affected-city-services/?accordion=employment-and-social-services
O 目前有3個安大略省工作計劃辦公室開放:
Metro Hall就業和社會服務處(Wellington 西街214號,416-392-2600)
Scarborough Village就業與社會服務處(Kingston 路3660號,416-392-2800)
York Humber就業與社會服務處(Rogers 路605號,416-392-6200)
• 省府敦促年逾70歲的老年人進行自我隔離,因為對於老年人來說,COVID-19導致嚴重後果的風險更為嚴重。
O 通過電話或互聯網向家人、朋友或鄰居尋求必需品遞送服務。
O 如果您正在自我隔離,在返加後14天內監測自己是否有COVID-19感染症狀,如果您出現了COVID-19症狀,請聯繫您的家庭醫生或Telehealth。
O 省府正在與企業、志願者組織和非牟利機構合作,確保安省老年人能夠得到他們所需要的支持,使他們更容易進行自我隔離和保證安全人際距離,免受COVID-19感染。
O 省府將撥款1千萬元,用於為社區組織給老年人送餐、送藥和其他必需品提供補助,並與超市和藥劑師合作,優先安排為老年人遞送物品,以及為耆老設定專屬購物時間。
O 省府正與諸如安省社區支持協會(OCSA)和安省老年人中心協會(OACAO)等全省性組織合作,啓動志願服務動員機制,廣泛使用社區創新技術,關注社會孤立問題。
• 申請加拿大緊急工資補助的資格:適用於企業、非牟利組織和慈善機構,必須滿足因COVID-19疫情導致收入下跌至少30%的條件,不限制僱員人數,聯邦政府將為這些機構的員工支付其工資的75%,基於年薪首個58700元,這意味著工資補助最高可達(每周847元)。
• 本週是遏制COVID-19疫情非常關鍵的時期,加拿大民眾務必保證安全社交距離並且留在家中。
• 聯邦政府確保加拿大軍隊已做好準備,隨時候命向本國的任何地區出發麵對疫情。
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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