詹嘉禮市議員: COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月9日
多倫多COVID-19已呈報病例,累計1,769例– 199新病例,其中174例住院,76例正接受重症監護,累計54人死亡– 本日再多5人死亡 ,94人康復
點擊這裡 (4月14日的電話會議將以國語和廣東話進行)
請將此消息傳遞給您的家人,鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請將電子郵件地址發送至:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
· 本市已與指定的心理健康服務員合作,以支持多倫多最弱勢居民的心理健康。
有關更多的心理健康服務的資訊,請瀏覽: 211toronto.ca
· 據省政府的新規定和要求,AirBnB之類的短期租約樓房的房東只能把房子租給在緊急情況下需要住房的人。這將有助確保給一些需要短暫隔離的人、醫療人員和前線工人能夠得到短期住宿的供應。
· 市政府工作人員將會負責回應有關短期租約未能或者沒有用於安置有需要人士的任何投訴。如有任何訴投,請致電311。請留意以短租方式讓人們/團體舉辦聚會或活動並不是緊急情況。
· 市政府正在與短期租約平台合作,以確保短期租約符合這些變更。根據《緊急情況管理法》,違例者可被罰款750加元至100,000加元,和被判最高一年的監禁。
O 本省政府的安大略省就業與恢復委員會已經啓動,該委員會將致力在COVID-19大流行結束後協助企業重新正常營運並讓市民能夠重返工作崗位。
O 這個新委員會將制定刺激經濟增長和創造就業的計劃,並將與各行各業的人進行磋商,以評估COVID-19對經濟的影響。行動計劃的制定將包括商業組織、商會、市區領袖、企業領袖、小企業和企業家的參與。
O 加拿大統計局公佈了最新就業人數,顯示安大略省的失業人數較上月增加了402,800人。
O 安大略省政府將提供5200萬加元的社會援助,目的是向處於金融危機中的個人和家庭提供更佳的援助。這筆資金將支持那些無法獲得聯邦援助以應付食品成本,房租,藥品和其他基本服務等需求的人。有需要者請於以下網頁申請:https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-emergency-assistance?_ga=2.26889982.238503578.1586180913-721918803.1551207427
O 根據最新的模擬數據顯示,新型冠狀病毒在出現後的較後時段抵達本國,顯示本國正在處於爆發的初期。
O 透過保持身體距離能夠減低病毒對加拿大的影響。病毒感染人數的首個高峰(曲線的頂部)可能在春末出現,而感染的第一波將可能在夏季結束。
O 總理杜魯多向國民提出預警:保持身體距離的措施可能會持續數月。
O 聯邦政府提醒加拿大人,儘管天氣將會變暖,但我們仍必須繼續保持身體距離。
Jim Karygiannis : COVID-19 Updates – April 9 2020
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
• 1,769 current cases – 199 new cases
• 174 of those cases are hospitalized with 76 in intensive care
• 54 deaths – 5 new fatalities
• 94 recoveries
Full details from Toronto Public Health, data as of 12:30 p.m. on April 9.
Disposable gloves, masks and sanitizer bottles littering our grocery store parking lots, essential businesses & parks
I have received numerous calls and emails from constituents advising me of discarded personal protective equipment (PPE) – gloves, masks and sanitizer bottles – mostly in grocery store parking lots, outside essential businesses and in our city parks. This practice is very shocking and disheartening. Discarding used gloves, face masks and empty sanitizer bottles on the ground is not only irresponsible and inappropriate, it is also risky behavior.
Littering in the city can result in a $500 fine.
Remember, somebody has to pick up the trash, risking their health and that of their family. The virus can live on some surfaces for up to three days, meaning whoever picks up the trash could be placed at risk.
I am asking everyone to please stop littering and use the provided receptacles outside the food stores and in the parks or wait until you can dispose of your garbage properly and with care. You can also carry a small bag where you can put your PPE until you can dispose of them safely.
It’s nice to see people are taking precautions, but we really need to do better. It’s for the safety of everyone.
City of Toronto
• The City has partnered with key mental health service providers to support the mental well-being of Toronto’s most vulnerable residents.
O Residents can call 211 to access support and get connected to one of seven primary mental health service partners for phone support.
O Mental health service information is also available at 211toronto.ca
• New regulations from the Province require that short-term rentals, like AirBnB, are only provided to individuals in need of housing during emergency period. This will help to preserve the supply of available short-term accommodation for isolation, for healthcare, or frontline workers in order to keep their families safe. Tourist stays are not permitted in these short-term rentals.
· City staff will respond to any complaints regarding any short-term rental not being used to house individuals in need. You may call 311. Hosting a Party or an Event in a short-term rental is NOT an emergency.
· • The City is working with short-term rental platforms to ensure that short-term rentals comply with these changes. Failure to comply could result in charges under the Emergency Management Act ranging between $750 to $100,000 and up to 1 year in jail.
Government of Ontario
• The Ontario Government has launched the Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee which will focus on getting businesses up and running and people back to work after the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
• This new Committee will develop a plan to stimulate economic growth and job-creation and will consult with a wide variety of people to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the economy. The development of the action plan will include business associations, chambers of commerce, municipal leaders, corporate leaders, small business owners and entrepreneurs.
• Statistics Canada released its monthly job numbers, which showed an unemployment increase of 402,800 people in Ontario.
• The Ontario Government is proving $52 million to better support individuals and families in financial crisis through social assistance – this funding will support those who are not able to access federal assistance to cover needs such as food costs, rent, medicine and other essential services. Apply online at: https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-emergency-assistance?_ga=2.26889982.238503578.1586180913-721918803.1551207427
Government of Canada
• The latest modeling conducted shows that the virus arrived late in Canada. This means the country is in the early stages of outbreak.
• Through physical distancing, the virus can have a limited impact on Canada. The initial peak (the top of the curve) may be in late spring and the end of the first wave may be in the summer.
• Prime Minister Trudeau warns that physical distancing measures may remain in place for months
• The Federal Government reminds Canadians that although the weather is warming, we must continue to practice physical distancing.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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