詹嘉禮市議員:COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月13日
• 現有2,362 確診病例
• 新增9例
• 住院患者210例,80 例在重症監護室接受治療
• 總計有92位患者死於 COVID-19
• 已康復122例
我將在2020年4月14日下午7:00點(週二)與居民舉行電話會議。我們還將邀請士嘉堡慈恩醫院的醫生參加。如果您有興趣,請在以下網址註冊:點擊這裡 (4月14日的電話會議將以國語和廣東話進行)
如您對購買食品和藥品有任何疑問或需要幫助,請電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 或致電416-392-1374與我聯絡。
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
騙案一: 多倫多公營房屋
騙案二: 電話短信騙案
有本省居民收到騙徙有關新緊急資助金的短信。 如果您收到與以下類似的文字,請不要點擊或回復。政府官方網站是你尋找資訊是最可靠的方法。
「Alert: The emergency response benefit of Canada relief fund has sent you a depot for $1,375.50. See emergencycanadaresponse. Data rates may apply.」
• 多倫多市為前線工人的子女再開設了另外兩個臨時托兒中心。34 Barthust Street 的中心今天已開始投入服務,而 1124 Danforth Avenue 的中心將於本週較後時間開放。
• 多倫多消防局表示緊急來電數量增加了4.3%。火災有關的來電報告則上升17.6%。火災發生的兩個主要原因是煮食時爐具無人看管以及煙蒂的處理不當。請勿於煮食時擅離爐具,和切記安全地理煙蒂。
• 省政府已啓動了5000萬加元的「安大略省共同基金」(Ontario Together Fund) 的運作,以協助企業和市民更改營運裝備,借此生產更多個人防護裝備。
• 省政府正在開發一個名為「應對大流行威脅」(Pandemic Threat Response, PANTHR) 的公共衛生數據平台,該平台將存入醫療數據,讓研究人員的工作更有效率和協助公共衛生系統的規劃。
• 在平台中收集的信息將有助於打破長期存在的障礙,並為研究人員提供以下幫助:
O 增加對COVID-19的檢測能力;
O 尋找對弱勢社群的高危因素;
O 預測疫情的爆發地點;
O 評估預防和治療措施的應對能力;以及
O 確定什麼地方分配設備和其他資源。
• 在過去的5天里,政府已經將超過1300萬個外科和手術口罩,200,000個 N95口罩和38台呼吸機運送到省內為疫情而設的的倉庫作庫存。
• 為支援前線團隊的工作,省政府正為醫院、長期護理院、養老院,以及其他設施提供即日送貨服務。
• 下議院和上議院在上週六已通過工資補貼法案。(向公司員工提供工資的75%的援助)
• 加拿大政府已向農業界提供5,000萬加元撥款,款項將用於幫助雇主履行有關臨時外國工人的強制性14天隔離期措施。受影響的雇主將會收到為每名受影響員工提供的1,500加元補貼,以幫助他們採取必要的公共健康防護措施。
• 聯邦政府建議長期護理院及各省政府實行以下措施:
O 限制非必要的訪客和志願者:
O 在任何重要訪客進入前和員工輪班前進行檢查,同時也對所有住戶每天進行檢查:
O 強烈建議有症狀的員工停止工作:
O 限制員工只能在一個地點工作;以及
O 強烈建議員工配戴口罩並增加清潔高接觸區域的次數。
• 加拿大衛生部已批准由Spartan Bioscience製造的設備,該設備可提供快速的COVID-19測試。它是一種便攜式DNA檢測試劑盒。 可以在機場,邊境管制站和偏遠社區中使用。
• 近600萬人申請了COVID-19緊急援助。 在頭四個月中,有350萬人申請了加拿大失業救濟金,250萬人申請了透過CERB分發的就業保險。
• COVID-19 Updates – April 11 2020
We will be hosting a Salute to our
Frontline workers at the Scarborough
Grace Hospital this Friday at 3:00 pm.
You are invited to participate.
Make thank you signs and
Drive by the hospital
(further details) will follow.
Fire, Ambulance and Police
Cruisers will be on hand also.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
• 2,362 total cases
• 9 new cases since yesterday
• 210 hospitalized with 80 in ICU
• 122 recovered
• 92 deaths
Full details from Toronto Public Health,I will be hosting a teleconference with front line doctors from Scarborough Grace Hospital and residents on April 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm. If you are interested, please sign up at: http://karygiannis.net/wp/teleconference/
If you need assistance with groceries or medication pick-up or have any questions, please reach out to me by emailing me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 416-392-1374.
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Scam #1 – Toronto Community Housing
Toronto Community Housing tenants are reporting calls from people offering to buy groceries for tenants. As conversations progress, these callers are asking for credit card or banking information. DO NOT believe these callers, Toronto Community Housing will never ask for your credit card or banking information.
Scam #2 – Text Scam
Residents of Ontario are receiving text messages regarding the new emergency response benefit program. If you receive a text like the one below, please DO NOT CLICK OR RESPOND. The government website is the best place to find reliable information on the benefits that the government will be providing.
DO NOT CLICK ON “Emergencycanadaresponse” Alert: The emergency response benefit of Canada relief fund has sent you a depot for $1,375.50. See emergencycanadaresponse. Data rates may apply.
City of Toronto
• Two more emergency child care centres reserved for children of frontline and essential workers have opened in the City of Toronto. The first location at 34 Bathurst Street opens today; the second location at 1125 Danforth Avenue will open later this week.
• Toronto Fire Services has indicated that emergency call volumes are up 4.3%. Notably, fire calls are up by 17.6%. The two leading causes of fire are careless and unattended cooking and careless smoking. Please never leave your cooking unattended and safely dispose of cigarette butts.
Government of Ontario
• To support businesses and individuals, the Government of Ontario has launched the $50 million Ontario Together Fund to assist businesses and individuals to retool.
• The Province is developing a new health data platform called Pandemic Threat Response (PANTHR) which is a platform that will hold secure health data that will allow researchers to better support health system planning and responsiveness.
• The information gathered in the secure platform will help break down long-standing barriers and allow researchers to help with:
O Increasing detection of COVID-19;
O Discovering risk factors for vulnerable populations;
O Predicting when and where outbreaks may happen;
O Evaluating how preventative and treatment measures are working; and
O Identifying where to allocate equipment and other resources.
• Over the last 5 days, more than 13 million surgical and procedural masks, 200,000 N95 respirator masks and 38 ventilators have been delivered to Ontario’s pandemic stockpile warehouses.
• Ontario is providing same-day deliveries to hospitals, long-term care and retirement homes, and other facilities to support essential workers.
Government of Canada
• The House of Commons and the Senate met on Saturday to pass the wage-subsidy bill (provides 75% of wages to employees)
• The Canadian Government has allocated $50 million to the agricultural sector implement the mandatory 14-day isolation period for all temporary foreign workers. Employers will be provided with $1,500 per worker to help with the necessary public health measures.
• The Federal Government is suggesting that with respect to Long-Term Care Homes, Provincial Government:
O Restrict visitors and volunteers to only those deemed essential;
O Screen all employees before shifts, before any essential visitor enters and all residents daily;
O Strongly advise staff with symptoms not come into work;
O Limit employees to work in a single facility only; and,
O Strongly suggest staff wear masks and increase cleaning regimen especially in high touch areas
• Health Canada has approved a device created by Spartan Bioscience that can provide fast COVID-19 test results. It is a portable DNA test kit. It can be used at airports, at border crossings and in remote communities.
• Nearly 6 million people have applied for COVID-19 emergency aid. 3.5 million have applied for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit and 2.5 million have applied for Employment Insurance which is streamed through CERB for the first 4 months.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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