詹嘉禮市議員:COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月23日
我要感謝各位為我們社區中有需要人士伸出援手人。如果您仍然有意成為義工,请点击此处。如果您在購買糧食和必需品方面需要幫助,請隨時透過電郵致This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 或致電416 392 1374與我聯繫。
許多人的生活已受到COVID-19疫情的影響。即使他們已被解雇,但他們仍需要為家庭提供日常食品。請考慮捐贈於本區的食物銀行。我們可在22區範圍內接收你的捐贈並代為送到食品銀行。有意請致電416 392 1374或電郵至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• 多倫多市議會將在歷史上將首次於4月30日通過電話會議召開。
• 多倫多市現場直播了市長的講話,以哀悼和記念Yonge Street 慘劇的死難者、幸存者以及受事件影響的所有人。
• 所有的非必要埸所關閉法令(如園和娛樂場所、非必要工作場所、公共場所以及酒吧和餐館的室外設施等)及有關限制護老園及長期護理院員工只能在一處工作的社交距離法令將延長至2020年5月6日。
• 安大略省政府採取了一項新措施,允許精神衛生和成癮協助機構在不同地點或計劃之間重新部署人手和雇用額外的兼職人員、臨時工人、或承包商,以確保市民能夠繼續獲得高質量的護理。
• 加拿大政府將再投入11億加元用於應對新冠毒的國家研究和醫學計劃,該計劃包括:
O 疫苗研究–除了早前宣佈的起始資金外,亦在全國各地還投資了1.5億加元,以支持在醫院和大學進行的研究。
O 支持臨床試驗-因為疫苗可能需要數月的時間開發和派發,政府將捐出6.62億加元,以幫助進行臨床試驗。
O 擴大臨床試驗-政府已投資3.5億加元,用於擴大COVID-19的國家測試和模擬測試。這包括成立COVID-19免疫工作小組,以研究那些檢測呈陽性的人的血液測試。
• 將提供軍事援助於Ontario 和Quebec省協助抗疫。
COVID-19 Updates – April 23 2020
As Ramadan begins, I would like to offer warm regards to all Canadians who are observing this holy month. Read More…
I want to thank those of you who have reached out and offered to help someone in need in our community. If you still want to volunteer pleaseclick here. If you are in need of assistance with picking up groceries and essentials, please do not hesitate to reach out. I can be reached by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 416 392 1374.
It has come to my attention that dog owners are letting dogs walk in parks off-leash. Please be reminded that COVID-19 is not an excuse to ignore regular by-laws. The fine for allowing dogs to run off-leash in any City park is up to $260.
Pet owners have also been reported to be not picking up droppings in parks. The fine for not picking up droppings is $240.
City of Toronto
·For the first time in the City of Toronto’s history, City Council will be convening on April 30th via teleconference.
·The City of Toronto live streamed a statement by Mayor Tory, in remembrance of the people who lost their lives, the survivors and all those impacted by the Yonge Street Tragedy.
Government of Ontario
·All emergency orders closing outdoor amenities in parks and recreational areas, non-essential workplaces, public places and bars and restaurants, social gathering restrictions and limiting staff to working in one retirement home or long-term care home only have been extended to May 6, 2020.
·The Government of Ontario has introduced a new measure to allow mental health and addictions agencies to redeploy staff within different locations or between programs and employ extra part-time staff, temporary staff or contractors in order to ensure people continue receiving high quality care.
Government of Canada
·The Government of Canada is putting an additional $1.1 billion into a national research and medical strategy to address the virus. This plan consists of:
o Research into vaccines – In addition to the original funding announced earlier, $150 million is invested across the country to support research conducted at hospitals and universities.
o Support for clinical trials - $662 million is pledged to help conduct clinical trials as vaccines can take months to develop and release to the public
o Expansion of clinical trials - $350 million is invested to expand national testing and modeling of COVID-19. This includes creating the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force to study blood tests of those who tested positive.
o Military assistance will be provided to Ontario and Quebec to help the fight against COVID-19.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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