詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月28日
我將在接下來的幾周內舉行一次電話會議,內容將談及如何協助在COVID-19疫情期間留在家中的本區的學童和父母。我將與我們的教育委員、老師和心理學家一起,向各位家長和學生提供有關在家學習以及保持身心健康的建議。電話會議將於2020年5月1日下午7:00至8:00舉行。如果您想參加這次電話會議,請於以下網頁註冊:点击这里。請通過電子郵件將您對專家的問題發送給This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
·我們可在22區範圍內接收你的捐贈並代為送到食品銀行。有意請致電416 392 1374或電郵至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
·請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
·• 多倫多市政府已和技術及電信公司合作,為市內弱勢社群提供免費的臨時互聯網服務。
·• 這些合作計劃將為低收入社區的居民、長期護理院的年長居民以及公營庇護所的住戶提供免費互聯網服務。
·• 一批為數50,000個的口罩已運抵本市,口罩將在檢查後被分配到最有需要的地區。另外,一共有15萬個口罩預計在未來幾周內交付。
·• 省政府啓用了新的「COVID-19: Tackling the Barriers 」網站,以協助企業克服全球流行病帶來的獨有挑戰。
·• 致力於重組本身業務致力生產與健康相關的產品的企業,或希望在新環境下繼續營商的企業可以在以下提交有關刻下面臨的商業困難的資料: 點擊這裡
·• 省政府正籌備臨時更改法規,以消除阻礙商業發展和省內供應鏈的障礙。
·• 下議院今天舉行了有史以來第一次的線上會議。
·• 本週有超過600萬個口罩已被運往各省和地區。
·• 公共衛生措施正行之有效。在許多地方,累計病例的增長已在放緩。與其他國家相比加拿大的累計病例的增長速度較為緩慢。現時的病例倍增期是16天。
COVID-19 Updates – April 28 2020
Today, across the country, on the National Day of Mourning, we honour and pay tribute to those who were killed or seriously injured on the job
Teleconference Let's Chat!!
I will be hosting a teleconference to help Ward 22’s schoolchildren and parents cope with staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. I will be joined by our trustees, educators and psychologists who will offer advice on home learning and maintaining mental and physical well-being. The teleconference will be held on May 1st, 2020 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. If you would like to join this teleconference, please sign up here. Please send in your questions for the panelists by e-mail toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 has caused disruption and hardship in many people’s lives – they have been laid off and are trying to keep a roof over the heads of their families and food on the table. Please consider donating to the food banks in Ward 22. Click here for details
We can arrange, within the boundaries of Ward 22, to pick up your donations for the food banks. Please call us at 416 392 1374 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
City of Toronto updates total COVID-19 cases
As of this afternoon, there are 5,128 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto. Cases include 4,647 confirmed cases and 481 probable cases. There are 319 cases hospitalized, with 109 in intensive care units. We continue to see COVID-19 deaths; to date, 305 people in Toronto have died from COVID-19. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform.
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Toronto Public Library Digital Card
The Toronto Public Library has launched a new initiative where residents that do not have a library card can access the largest collection of ebooks and audio books using a new instant digital card. These digital cards will expire September 1, 2020 and are available for individuals 13 years and older.
For more information and to access the library digital services, please click on the link below: https://torontopubliclibrary.typepad.com/digital-services/2020/04/digital-library-card-tpl2020.html
City of Toronto
·The City of Toronto has partnered with technology and telecommunications companies to provide free temporary internet access for vulnerable Torontonians.
o These partnerships will provide free access for residents in lower-income neighbourhoods, seniors in long-term care homes and clients in many City-operated shelters.
o For more information, please visit: https://www.toronto.ca/home/media-room/news-releases-media-advisories/?nrkey=2602C9B7580A0CD285258558006CE262
·A shipment of 50,000 face shields has arrived and will be deployed in high-priority areas pending inspection. Shipments totaling 150,000 more face shields are expected to be arriving in the coming weeks.
Government of Ontario
·The Provincial Government is launching the COVID-19: Tackling the Barriers website to help businesses overcome unique challenges created by the global pandemic
o Businesses working to retool their operations to produce health-related products, or those that want to continue their operations in this new environment of physical distancing, can submit any potential roadblocks to the website at: click here
·Ontario is prepared to allow temporary changes to provincial rules and regulations in order to remove any barriers that are hindering business and negatively impacting Ontario's supply chain.
Government of Canada
··The House of Commons held its first-ever virtual meeting today.
··Over 6 million surgical masks are being shipped to provinces and territories this week.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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