詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月27日
• 一般家居垃圾收集(如普通垃圾、回收物件,廚余和大型及金屬垃圾)將維持正常。使用過的紙巾、濕紙巾和餐巾須放在一般垃圾中一同處理。
• 危險品收集現已暫停,市民須妥善存放有關物品直至服務恢復正常為止。
• 詳情請參閱:https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/affected-city-services/
• 省政府發佈了重新啓動經濟措施的框架。
• 該框架將作為逐步重新開放商業,服務和公共場所的指引。
• 框架亦提供了經濟重啓外展計劃的詳情。
• 第一階段:因法令而關閉或有限度營運的公司將能夠以符合公共衛生指南的方式恢復營運。措施將允許開放某些如公園等戶外空間、允許更多人參與活動。醫院將重新提供非緊急和已安排的手術以及其他醫療服務。
• 第二階段:根據風險評估結果,省政府將允許更多工作埸所重新開放。其中可能包括部份服務行業以及其他辦公和零售工作場所。此階段亦將允許一些較大的公眾聚會,並開放更多的戶外空間。
• 第三階段:在安全情況下開放所有工作場所,並進一步放寬對公眾聚會的限制。
• 省政府計劃分階段重新啓動安大略省。公共衛生官員將密切注視每個開動的階段。階段為期兩到四個星期的階段。
• 省政府尚未就重新開放的日期或工作場所提出定案。
• 在重啓過程中政府將維持保護弱勢社群的措施、大眾需要繼續保持身體距離、洗手和維持衛生習慣等的措施及其他控制措施以減低健康風險。
• 加拿大緊急工資補貼的申請已在Canada.ca 開放。該補貼實行日期追溯至3月15日,有效期為12周或6月6日。補助款項將於5月5日發放。
• 國會將於明天舉行首次線上會議,並於週三舉行面對面會議,以通過有關加拿大緊急學生津貼的提案。
COVID-19 Updates - April 27 2020
Unfortunately, due to the number of requests for face masks, the supply has been depleted. I would like to thank everyone who has signed up. We are now processing requests and will be providing information regarding mask drop-offs in the near future.
I will be hosting a teleconference to help Ward 22’s schoolchildren and parents cope with staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. I will be joined by our trustees, educators and psychologists who will offer advice on home learning and maintaining mental and physical well-being. The teleconference will be held on May 1st, 2020 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. If you would like to join this teleconference, please sign up here.
City of Toronto
·Regular household pickup of garbage, recycling, green bin and oversized/metal continues as normal. Wipes, tissues, napkins and paper towel must go into regular garbage.
·Drop-off of hazardous materials is suspended. Residents need to store away such materials safely until regular services resume.
oFor more information, please click: https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/affected-city-services/
Government of Ontario
·The Provincial Government released a framework for re-opening Ontario.
oThe framework will act as a guiding principle for the gradual reopening of businesses, services and public spaces.
oThe framework also provides details of an outreach strategy to help inform the restart of the provincial economy
·The Provincial Government is planning a stage-by-stage approach to reopening Ontario. Public Health officials will monitor each stage for two to four weeks.
·Stage 1: For businesses that were ordered to close or restrict operations, opening select workplaces that can immediately modify operations to meet public health guidance. Opening some outdoor spaces like parks and allowing for a greater number of individuals to attend some events. Hospitals would also begin to offer some non-urgent and scheduled surgeries, and other health care services.
·Stage 2: Opening more workplaces, based on risk assessments, which may include some service industries and additional office and retail workplaces. Some larger public gatherings would be allowed, and more outdoor spaces would open.
·Stage 3: Opening of all workplaces responsibly and further relaxing of restrictions on public gatherings.
·Dates or workplaces for reopening are not in discussion yet.
·Throughout each stage, continued protections for vulnerable populations must be in place, along with the continued practice of physical distancing, hand washing and respiratory hygiene, and significant mitigation plans to limit health risks.
Government of Canada
·Applications for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy have opened on Canada.ca. This subsidy is retroactive to March 15th and available for a period of 12 weeks or June 6th. Payments will be delivered by May 5th.
·Parliament will have its first virtual sitting tomorrow and an in person session on Wednesday to pass legislature on the Canada Emergency Student Benefit.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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