詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月3日
我僅代表本區居民感謝位於3024 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, ON M1V 4Y9的Zion Buildings Supplies Ltd. 捐出我在本週末所派發的口罩。
我和我的員工在本星期六和星期日派發了18,000個口罩。同時,我感謝多倫多市政員工工會(Local 416)的成員協助我們督導交通和把口罩送出。
特別感謝Crupi Group of Companies 為我們提供路交通錐和Bridlewood Mall 的管理團隊。請看當日圖片:See pictures…
• 市政府將恢復收集庭園廢物。
• 請大家將一般和庭園廢物在指定垃圾收集日的早上7時前妥善地放於屋外。
• 如庭園廢物在垃圾收集日並沒有被收去,請不要致電311報告,並將垃圾留在屋外等待收集。
• 請盡可能使用合適的庭園垃圾袋。或者使用堅硬的寬口容器盛載。蓬草和樹枝應捆綁好,而每扎不應超過長1.2米(4英尺)、0.6米(2英尺)的體積和20千克(44磅)的重量。
• 市政府將在五月進行三次路面維修。第一次的工程已在5月2日完成,其餘兩次現訂於5月9日和5月23日進行。
• 省政府於今天並沒有新的公告。
• 總理今天宣佈撥款2.405億加元用於開發,擴展和啓用協助加拿大人的線上護理和心理健康程式。
O 這項投資將用於創立電子平台和軟件,增加線上心理健康服務的普及性,並擴大線上醫療保健的功能,和妥善地涵蓋支持弱勢社群的項目。
O 隨著加拿大政府繼續處理COVID-19疫情,這些支持行動將有助於減輕醫療保健系統的負擔。
• 總理還宣佈向加拿大生物技術公司AbCellera Biologics捐款1.756億加元,而該公司正在研發用於抵抗傳染病的新一代抗體藥物。
• 受惠於拿大兒童福利金(CCB)的家庭在5月將獲得額外補助,每名孩子$300。合資格的家庭將在5月份的預設的自動轉帳方式收到這個一次性的額外補貼。
• 政府將成立COVID-19物資供應委員會,為建立PPE生產的供應鏈提出相關建議。
COVID-19 Updates – May 3 2020
Distribution of Face Masks to Constituents
On behalf of my constituents, I want to say ‘Thank You’ to Zion Building Supplies Ltd. 3024 Kennedy Rd, Scarborough, ON M1V 4Y9 who donated the face masks which I had the privilege of distributing to my constituents this weekend.
My staff and I were able to distribute over 18,000 masks on Saturday and Sunday. I also want to thank the members of Toronto Civic Employees Union, Local 416 who helped with traffic control as well as handing out masks.
To my constituents, thank you for observing the social distancing rules and your patience as you waited in line to receive your masks.
Also special thanks go Crupi Group of Companies for supplying us with the pylons and the management of Bridlewood Mall See pictures…
City of Toronto
·The City of Toronto is resuming regular yard waste collection.
·Residents are asked to put their yard waste out before 7:00am on their regularly scheduled garbage/yard waste collection day.
·If yard waste is not picked up the day it is put out, please leave it out until it’s collected and refrain from calling 311 to report a missed collection.
·Use a yard waste bag, if possible. Otherwise, a rigid open-top container can be used. Brush and branches should be secured in bundles no longer than 1.2 metres (4 feet), no wider than 0.6 metres (two feet) and no heavier than 20 kilograms (44 lbs).
·The City of Toronto is conducting 3 pothole blitzes in the month of May. The first was conducted on May 2nd; the next two are scheduled for May 9th and May 23rd.
Government of Ontario
·There were no new announcements from the Government of Ontario today.
Government of Canada
·The Prime Minister today announced a $240.5 million to develop, expand and launch virtual care and mental health tools to support Canadians.
oThis investment will be used to create digital platforms and applications, improve access to virtual mental health supports and expand capacity to deliver health care virtually, including projects to reach vulnerable Canadians.
oThese supports will help ease the burden on the health care system, as Canada continues to deal with COVID-19.
·The Prime Minister also announced a contribution of $175.6 million to AbCellera Biologics, a Canadian biotechnology company that researches and discovers next-generation antibody drugs to fight infection and disease.
·Families receiving the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) will get $300 extra per child in May. Eligible families will automatically receive this one-time increase as part of their scheduled CCB payment in May.
·A COVID-19 Supply Council will be launched to provide advice on building supply chains for PPE production.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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