詹嘉禮市議員: 2020年5月10日 – 母親節
世上沒有比為人母更為艱巨、更能給人帶來滿足感的工作。作為母親,無論她們身處何地、自身的境遇如何,都有一個共同的目標― 那就是,竭盡全力為子女提供最美好的生活。縱觀歷史,面臨社區和社會的各種挑戰,母親們表現出不懼風雨的勇氣與不畏艱險的力量。他們經常以身作則,影響社會變革。
母親節是一個為感謝母親和母愛而慶祝的節日,它鞏固家庭紐帶並提高母親的社會影響。在這個特殊的日子,我們送上最樸實的祝福― 一束鮮花、一張賀卡、一次拜訪、一個電話,讓我們告訴母親,她們無條件的關愛和支持是我們最堅實的後盾。在這個時刻,我們更加意識到母親意義之偉大;更加感恩母親為我們所付出的一切;同時,也更加明白母親對我們的家庭教育和她傳授給我們的知識對於我們立足社會是何等重要。
在母親節到來之際,我向我的妻子― 我們五個女兒的母親、我90歲的母親和我已身為人母的女兒致敬!我的外孫女伊芙琳每天都給我帶來無以倫比的喜悅。
士嘉堡― 愛靜閣
May 10, 2020 – Mother’s Day
I want to take this opportunity to salute mothers everywhere on this Mother’s Day, May 10, 2020.
There is no job more satisfying, and yet more demanding, than that of a mother. Mothers, the world over, regardless of their circumstance, share a collective goal – to provide the best possible life for their children. Throughout history, mothers have shown courage and strength in meeting the challenges facing their communities and societies. They have often led by example and effected social change.
Mother’s Day is a celebration honouring mothers and motherhood; maternal bonds; and, the influence of mothers in society. It is a time to remember our mothers – to order flowers; send special cards; visit; and, telephone our mothers telling them how important their unconditional love and support is in our lives. It is also a time to cherish all that our mothers mean to us and to thank them for being there for us, teaching us valuable lessons and giving us the tools we need for life.
This is normally an opportunity to gather with family to celebrate. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has made normal activities impossible.
During these difficult times we must look after spiritual, emotional and mental well-being of each other. I encourage you to connect with loved ones, friends and vulnerable members of the community online or by phone.
I am personally blessed as I pay tribute to my wife the mother of our five daughters, my 90 year old mother and my daughter mother to my granddaughter Evelyn that are bringing joy to my life on a daily basis.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
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