詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月7日
我有幸在今天向多倫多專業消防員工會Local 3888的主席Frank Ramagnano 提供了5,000個口罩。
Local 3888 工會的員工在COVID-19疫情期間仍肩負著消防、醫護皈救援等緊急任務。這些口罩是我僅代表我的選民對多倫多消防局僱員一直服務我們以示的謝意。
我將在5月9日(星期六)上午10:00 至下午2:00 和5月10日(星期日)上午9:00至1:00 pm 向居民免費派發口罩和洗手液。
Agincourt Community Services Association 正在招募能應用縫製技能的義工,協助縫製可重復使用的布口罩。
您可以在週一至週五上午10:00到下午2:00之間將可重復使用的口罩捐贈到Agincourt Community Services Association 的總辦事處。地址為Sheppard Avenue East 4155 Suite 100。
如果您希望口罩由專人收取,或對縫製口罩的材料有疑問,請電郵至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。以下是製作可重復使用的布口罩的教學視頻:
• 5月8日(星期五)上午8:00至下午5:00之間,Charlemont Crescent 和Walgreen Avenue 的供水服務將被暫停,詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
• Stouffville GO 線路火車服務將於5月8日晚上8:30暫停以進行定期維護。服務將於5月11日恢復正常。更多詳情,請點擊這裡
• 省政府於上周要求多倫多市開始對緊急托兒中心員工行COVID-19測試。現時所有員工均在接受檢測。
• 省政府制定了一個協助醫院評估其準備情況以開始計劃恢復計劃的手術和程序、並同時保持應對COVID-19能力的框架。
• 時間表將因應不同醫院的情況而異,並以計劃和協調處理COVID-19的地區監督委員會為準。
• 該框架包含明確的准則。醫院在滿足這些條件下方能恢復手術計劃。詳情請閱:https://www.ontariohealth.ca/sites/ontariohealth/files/2020-05/A%20Measured%20Approach%20to%20Planning%20for%20Surgeries%20and%20Procedures%20During%20the%20COVID-19%20Pandemic.pdf
• 省政府於本季將投放350萬加元於為樹木種植者提供更多保護措施。資金將用於擴展營地設施、增加工地廚房空間以及提供額外的個人防護裝備、塑料隔板和消毒站。
• 聯邦政府已與各省和地區達成協議,以提高基本行業員工的工資。
• 各省將自行管轄提高薪酬的資格。
• 265名加拿大軍人已被部署到安大略省的五個長期護理院捨中。
• 本國超過44%的COVID-19病例現已康復。
• 至今為止,超過100萬人已進行了病毒檢測,而其中大概6%的人測試結果呈陽性。在過去一周里,每天平均的檢測人次為25,000人。
COVID-19 Updates – May 7 2020
Today, I had the privilege of delivering 5,000 masks to Mr. Frank Ramagnano, President of the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association (Local 3888).
The men and women of the Toronto Fire Services have continued to answer fire; medical; rescue and rescue; and, other emergency calls during the COVID-10 crisis.
The masks are just a small token of appreciation, on behalf of my constituents, for the work that the members of the Toronto Fire Services are doing to protect us.
Face Mask and Hand Sanitizer Giveaway
I am giving away face masks and hand sanitizers on Saturday, May 9th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and Sunday, May 10th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
In order to be able to pick up face masks and hand sanitizers, please click here to pre-register and indicate which day you can come to pick up masks and sanitizers. Further details regarding pick-up will be sent to you by e-mail.
ACSA Seeking Volunteers to Sew Masks
Face masks are in demand, but they are not always easy to find.
Agincourt Community Services Association is seeking volunteers who will put their sewing skills to valuable use and assist with sewing reusable cloth masks.
If you sew and would like to donate your time, materials and skills to help sew re-useable face masks, we would appreciate your support!
You can drop off the re-usable masks Monday to Friday to the Agincourt Community Services Association’s main office located at 4155 Sheppard Ave East, Suite 100, anytime between 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
If you prefer to have the masks picked up or have questions about supplies for making the masks, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Below is the link to a YouTube video for reusable masks as an example of a pattern that can be used:
Thank you for your support!
City of Toronto
·There will be a water service disruption on Charlemont Crescent and Walgreen Avenue on Friday, May 8th between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. For more information, please click here.
·The Stouffville GO Line Train Service will be cancelled effective 8:30 PM on May 8th for scheduled maintenance and will resume regular schedule on May 11th. For more information, please click here.
·Last week, the Provincial Government requested that the City of Toronto begin COVID-19 testing for child care workers in emergency child care centres. All of these workers are in the process of being tested for COVID-19.
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario has developed a framework to help hospitals assess their readiness and begin planning for the resumption of scheduled surgeries and procedures, while maintaining capacity to response to COVID-19
·Timelines will vary from hospital to hospital and be conditional on approval by regional oversight tables involved with planning and coordinating Ontario's response to COVID-19
·The framework contains clear criteria that must be met before hospitals can resume scheduled surgeries. For details please click: https://www.ontariohealth.ca/sites/ontariohealth/files/2020-05/A%20Measured%20Approach%20to%20Planning%20for%20Surgeries%20and%20Procedures%20During%20the%20COVID-19%20Pandemic.pdf
·The Provincial Government is making $3.5 million available for protective measures in place for tree planters this season. Funds will be used for larger camp facilities and additional kitchens to provide more space, as well as extra PPE, plastic partitions for transporting workers and more wash stations.
Government of Canada
·The Federal Government has reached an agreement with the provinces and territories to boost wages for essential workers.
·Each province and territory have the jurisdiction to determine who qualifies for the wage increase.
·265 Canadian Armed Forces members have been deployed to five long-term care facilities in Ontario.
·Over 44% of COVID-19 cases in Canada have recovered.
·To date, over 1 million people have been tested for the virus and about 6% of cases are positive. During the past week, an average of 25,000 tests were conducted each day.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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