詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年6月1日
Fundy Bay 和Terry Fox社區線上活動
在6月的每一個星期一下午3:30至4:30,Fundy Bay 和 Terry Fox 社區將會舉辨一系列以公園為主題的免費活動。這些免費提為兒童和家庭而主辦的活動將有助居民正面地面對COVID-19疫情。
• 6月1日:贊頌我們的公園
• 6月8日:世界海洋日
• 6月15日:夏至慶典
• 6月22日:全國原住民日
• 6月29日:加拿大國慶日
希望取得更多有關我們社區在COVID-19緊急狀態下的最新消息,請經以下網頁瀏覽我的COVID-19公告欄: http://karygiannis.net/wp/category/covid-19-community-corner/
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 10,901宗累計確診病例
• 175宗新病例 (較日前少26宗)
• 372名患者需要入院,其中83人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計810人死亡
• 累計8,086人康復
• 多倫多公共圖書館(TPL)在今天早上重新開放了53個圖書館的還書箱,以接受市民歸還館藏。從6月8日星期一起,市民將能夠重新開始領取已預留的館藏。更多詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
• 市政府將在本週起局步重新開放市內共200個公園洗手間。
O 重開計劃將分為兩階段進行。在第一階段6月6日之前大約50個不同地點的洗手間將會開放,而其他地點的洗手間將在6月中旬之前重開。市政府服務網頁上已列出所有洗手間的位置和衛生准則之列表。點擊這裡
• 省政府已承諾向COVID-19能源援助計劃(CEAP)撥款900萬加元。 CEAP將向市民提供一次性、用以繳付因COVID-19而引起的電費債務的財政援助。申請程序將在未來數周由地區電力公司提供。
• 省政府同時已為COVID-19小型企業能源援助計劃(CEAP-SB) 撥款900萬加元,以支援因疫情而未能繳付電費的公司。
• 安大略省能源委員會的冬季停止供電禁令已延長至2020年7月31日。
• 根據使用時間(TOU) 的電力收費將維持暫停。電力公司將根據新的COVID-19復原期固定收費率(每千瓦時12.8美分)向客戶收費。
O COVID-19復原期固定收費率將對現行TOU客戶生效。此固定費率將每周每天適用於TOU用家的賬戶。
O COVID-19復原期固定收費率有效期到2020年10月31日為止。此後,用家將過渡至一個新的用戶自選計劃。
O 由2020年11月1日起,用戶將可以選擇最適合其家庭和生活方式的方案。選擇包括TOU或在一定用電量前固定價格固定的分段電力收費。
O 省政府將繼續通過安大略省電力回扣補貼31.8%的電費。
• 加拿大政府將通過天然氣基金向各市提供22.5億加元。 該基金在正常情況下一年分發款項兩次,但正因現時的特殊情況,基金將在未來數周內提供2020/2021年度的全額撥款。
• 總理表示,聯邦政府將繼續與各市政府合作解決因COVID-19緊急情況而引起的財務窘境。
• 加拿大境內54% 的COVID-19病例已經痊癒。另外,全國總共有160萬人已接受了病毒測試。
COVID-19 Updates – June 1, 2020
Fundy Bay and Terry Fox Community Virtual Events
On every Monday in June between 3:30 to 4:30 PM, the Fundy Bay and Terry Fox Community will be organizing a series of free virtual events full of park-themed activities. Events are free for kids and families to enjoy as we navigate the COVID-19 emergency.
Events are as follows:
·June 1: Celebrating Our Parks
·June 8: World Oceans Day
·June 15: Solstice Celebration
·June 22: National Indigenous Peoples Day
·June 29: Canada Day
Participants can sign up at: http://parksconnectingkids.eventbrite.com
Face Masks and Hand Sanitizers for those of you that have signed up you will be receiving an update next 48 hours.
If you wish to keep updated on community events during the COVID-19 emergency, please check the COVID-19 Community Corner at: http://karygiannis.net/wp/category/covid-19-community-corner/
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·11,338 total cases
·164 new cases (14 more cases from the day before)
·379 hospitalized with 83 in ICU
·828 deaths
·8,630 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health,
City of Toronto
·This morning, Toronto Public Library (TPL) reopened 53 additional library branches drop boxes to accept the return of library materials. Residents will be able to start scheduling the pick-up of their reserved materials as of Monday, June 8. Read more…
·The City of Toronto will begin to open some of the 200 parks washrooms this week across the City.
o The reopening will occur in two phases. The first phase will have roughly 50 washroom sites opening by June 6, followed by the remaining locations by mid-June. A list of locations and health guidelines for washrooms are available on the City Services webpage.
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario has pledged $9 million to the COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP). CEAP will provide one-time payments to consumers to help pay any electricity bill debt incurred over the COVID‑19 period. Applications will be available through local utilities in the upcoming months.
·The Provincial Government has also pledged $8 million for the COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business (CEAP-SB) to provide support to businesses struggling with bill payments as a result of the outbreak.
·The Ontario Energy Board’s winter disconnection ban has been extended until July 31, 2020.
·Time-of-use (TOU) electricity rates will continue to be suspended. Customers will be billed based on a new fixed COVID-19 Recovery Rate of 12.8 cents per kilowatt hour.
o The COVID-19 Recovery Rate comes into effect for electricity customers who pay TOU rates. This fixed rate will apply to TOU customer bills 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
o The COVID-19 Recovery Rate will be in place until October 31, 2020, followed by a new customer choice initiative.
o Starting November 1, 2020, customers will be able to choose a plan that best suits their household and lifestyle with the option of either TOU electricity rates or tiered pricing, which will provide a set rate for electricity up to a certain level of consumption.
o The Provincial Government will continue to subsidize electricity bills by 31.8 per cent through the Ontario Electricity Rebate.
Government of Canada
·The Government of Canada will make $2.25 billion available to municipalities through the Gas Fund. This fund normally gives payments in 2 installments but given the circumstances, the full payment for 2020/2021 will be made available in the coming weeks.
·The Prime Minister stated that the Federal Government will continue to work with municipalities to address financial difficulties stemming from the COVID-19 emergency.
·54% of COVID-19 cases in Canada have recovered. 1.6 million people have been tested nationwide.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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