詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月30日
我在今天向超過300名本區居民免費派發了預購的口罩和洗手液。其中大部份前來領取的居民均有攜同給予 Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA) 食品銀行的捐贈。
我借此感謝我們慷慨的居民。食品銀行收到了超過$ 2,800.00元的捐款和4. 5噸不易腐爛的食品。您慷慨態度將惠及許多飽受COVID-19影響的人。同時我感謝Bridlewood Mall 和 Quadcam Development Group 分別向我們捐贈了口罩和洗手液。更多詳情,請点击这里。
我將在6月6日(星期六)從10:00 am至2:00 pm向居民派發口罩和洗手液。截止日期為星期日,屆時網頁會停止接受申請。
: 点击这里
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 10,901宗累計確診病例
• 175宗新病例 (較日前少26宗)
• 372名患者需要入院,其中83人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計810人死亡
• 累計8,086人康復
o 請留意,因路面維修工程,Gardiner Expressway 在本週末完全封閉。封閉路段包括從Highway 427 一直到Don Valley Parkway的所有行車線。更多詳情請瀏覽https://www.toronto.ca/gardiner
o 安大略省政府
o 省政府宣佈,訓練擊球檔網、現有的自駕式電影院和鄉郊露營埸地將在2020年5月31日起重新對外開放。
o 由2020年6月1日起,省政府將逐步允許在省級公園和公有土地上野外露營。
o 加拿大聯邦政府
o 加拿大首席公共衛生官指出,坊間有許多關於市民延誤就包括慢性病和急性健康問題就醫的傳聞。
o 譚醫生強調及時就醫和預防性問診均對身體健康十分重要。
COVID-19 Updates – May 30, 2020
Today, I was able to distribute free, pre-ordered face masks and hand sanitizer to over 300 constituents, most of whom brought donations to the Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA) Food Bank.
I want to thank the people of Ward 22 for their generosity. The Food Bank received donations of over $2, 800 and 4.5 tonnes of non-perishable food stuffs. Your generosity will help feed those in our community who have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 crisis.
I also want to thank the individuals who generously donated the face masks Bridlewood Mall and hand sanitizers Quadcam Development Group to my constituents. Read more…
Face Mask and Hand Sanitizer Giveaway
I am giving away face masks and hand sanitizers on Saturday, June 6th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The submission portal will close Sunday afternoon
In order to be able to pick up face masks and hand sanitizers, please click here to pre-register and we will notify you which day you can come to pick up masks and sanitizers. Further details regarding pick-up will be sent to you by e-mail. If you have unsubscribed from our email list we will not be able to communicate with you.
Well-Being During COVID-19 Teleconference
I hosted a teleconference on how to stay mentally healthy during COVID-19 yesterday Friday, May 29, 2020 at 7:00 PM. We were joined by psychologists and psychiatrists. If you would like to listen to it click here
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·10,901 total cases
·175 new cases (26 fewer new cases from the day before)
·372 hospitalized with 83 in ICU
·810 deaths
·8,086 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·Reminder: Gardiner Expressway closure and accelerated road construction This weekend, the Gardiner Expressway is fully closed from the Don Valley Parkway to Hwy 427 for annual maintenance and improvement activities. More information is available at https://www.toronto.ca/gardiner.
Province of Ontario
·The Province of Ontario has announced that batting cages, pre-existing drive-in theatres and backcountry camping can reopen effective May 31, 2020.
·Effective June 1, 2020, the Ontario government will gradually reintroduce backcountry camping in Ontario Provincial Parks and recreational camping on Crown land.
Government of Canada
·Canada's Chief Public Health Officer stated that there are many anecdotal reports about people delaying health visits for everything from acute health issues to chronic disease management.
o Dr. Tam stressed that it is very important not miss or delay getting attention for your health concerns and prevention visits.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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