詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年6月3日
葡萄園、孟嘗閣、耆暉會、雅樂居、Senior Persons Living Connected、Wishing Well Manor、Shepherd Terrace,和 Tam O‘Shanter Seniors Home 各所院捨均收到了500個口罩的捐贈。
我借此感謝加拿大深圳社團聯合總會、中加創新中心,和加拿大愛心慈善基金會。 他們的慷慨捐贈保障了我們區一眾居民的安全和健康。更多詳情請參閱:點擊這裡
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 11,652宗累計確診病例
• 139宗新病例
• 378名患者需要入院,其中83人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計845人死亡
• 累計8,948人康復
• 多倫多市將在本週末將局步關閉三條主要街道,為市民提供超過10公里用以步行,跑步和騎自行車的道路。以下路段將從6月6日(星期六)上午6:00到6月7日(星期日)下午11:00期間封閉:
• Lake Shore Boulevard West 東行線從 Windermere Avenue 至 Stadium Road。因此,Gardiner Expressway 東行線 Lakeshore Boulevard West 的出口(Exit 146)亦會同時關閉。
• Lake Shore Boulevard East 東行線從 Leslie Street 到 Woodbine Avenue 以南的 Kew Beach Avenue。
• Bayview Avenue 從 Mill Street 到 Rosedale Valley Road; 以及 River Street 從Gerrard Street East 到 Bayview Avenue。更多詳情請瀏覽: 點擊這裡
• 街頭食品攤販,食品卡車和冰淇淋卡車現在可以恢復營業。所有現時持有許可證的人士可通過 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯繫市政府許可和標準管理部以續領或申請新證。
• 省政府將投放1.5億加元於改善省內寬頻和無線電話服務。該資金將為省內的農村、偏遠和服務不足的地區創造更多經濟和教育機會。
• 在改善安大略省網聯(ICON)計劃實行後,與政府合作的組織將會獲得高達5億加元的投資,以改善欠缺和服務不足地區的網絡。
• 政府邀請包括電信公司,市政府,原住民社區和非營利組織在內的申請者提交創新的提案,並以他們資金、專業知識和經驗改善省內社區的網絡。省政府將出資局步贊助每個獲批項目。
• 從6月4日起,機埸禁區內的所有乘客、機組人員和機場工作人員在不能保持社交隔離時必須佩帶口罩。出於安全考慮、機師在駕駛艙內無須戴上口罩。
• 政府亦建議所有海上交通工具的員工在不能保持社交隔離和地方政府要求下戴上口罩。
• · 鐵路員工在乘客不能保持社交隔離的情況下將要求乘客戴上口罩。
COVID-19 Updates – June 3 2020
Today, I delivered donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to senior and long term care residences in Ward 22.
Each of the following facilities received 500 masks – Vintage Gardens; Mon Sheong Court; Carefirst Transitional Care Centre; Villa Elegance; Senior Persons Living Connected; Wishing Well Manor; Shepherd Terrance; and, Tam O’Shanter Seniors Home.
I want to thank Canada Confederation of Shenzhen Associations (CCSA), Sci Innovation Centre and Canadian Aixin Charity Foundation for their generosity in helping to keep our vulnerable residents safe.Read more..
Do Not Let Your Dogs Run Loose
I have received complaints regarding dogs running off-leash in residential areas. Please ensure your dog is leashed at all times, except when in an off-leash dog park.
Click here for guidelines on using dog off-leash areas during the COVID-19 emergency.
Scarborough Health Network COVID-19 Pop-Up Centres
The Scarborough Health Network is opening COVID-19 Pop-Up Assessment Centres. For more information, please check: https://www.shn.ca/covid19-popup/
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·11,652 total cases
·139 new cases
·378 hospitalized with 83 in ICU
·845 deaths
·8,948 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·The City of Toronto will close sections of three major roads this weekend, providing over 10 km of roadway for walking, running and biking. The following road closures will take place from Saturday, June 6 at 6:00 AM until Sunday, June 7 at 11:00 PM:
oLake Shore Boulevard West (eastbound lanes only) from Windermere Avenue to Stadium Road. As a result, the eastbound Gardiner Expressway off-ramp to Lake Shore Boulevard West (exit #146) will also be closed
oLake Shore Boulevard East (eastbound lanes only) from Leslie Street to just south of Woodbine Avenue (Kew Beach Avenue)
oBayview Avenue from Mill Street to Rosedale Valley Road, and River Street from Gerrard Street East to Bayview Avenue. Read More..
·Street food vendors, food trucks and ice cream trucks can now resume operations. All license and permit-holders can renew or obtain new licenses with Municipal Licensing and Standards by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Government of Ontario
·The Provincial Government is investing $150 million to provide reliable broadband and cellular service. This funding will help create economic and educational opportunities in rural, remote and underserved areas of the Province
·The Improving Connectivity in Ontario (ICON) program, when leveraged, has the potential to result in an investment of up to $500 million in total partner funding to improve connectivity in underserved and unserved areas.
·Applicants, including telecom companies, Municipal Governments, First Nation communities and non-profit organizations will be invited to submit innovative proposals and lend their investment, expertise and experience to improve connectivity in communities across Ontario. The Province will fund a portion of each approved project.
Government of Canada
·Starting June 4th, face coverings will be mandatory for all flight passengers, flight crews and airport workers in the restricted area of a terminal when they are not able to physically distance. Due to safety concerns, face coverings are not mandatory for pilots when on the flight deck.
·On marine transportation, it is recommended that all workers wear a face covering when physical distancing is not possible and when local authorities require them.
·Rail operators are requested to ask passengers to wear face coverings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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