詹嘉禮市議員―2020年8月28日 ― 電子通訊
詹嘉禮市議員―2020年8月28日 ― 電子通訊
- 15,925宗累計確診病例
- 26宗當日新增病例
- 住院患者40人
- 累計死亡1,174人
- 累計康復14,442人
詳情請參閱 多倫多公共衛生局
- 本市繼續應對COVID-19疫情。因為病毒仍在社區傳播,居民需遵從多倫多公共衛生局衛生醫療官提出的建議,保持安全社交距離,社交圈不要超過10人,經常洗手,並依照有關法規或在無法保持安全社交距離的情況下佩戴口罩或面罩。在本市室內公共場所均需戴上口罩或面罩。
- 隨著更多本市企業繼續重啟,居民可瞭解重啟的不同階段及要求。 請點選此處
· 本市官網每日都會更新最新健康建議以及有關市政服務、社會支援和經濟復甦措施方面的訊息。 更多資訊
· 本週末,作為整修Gardiner高速公路位於Jarvis街和Cherry街之間路段的一部分,Lake Shore大道和Jarvis街的交叉路口將部分關閉。
o 從8月28日(星期五)午夜12點01分至8月31日(星期一)早上4點59分,向Jarvis街西行的Lake Shore大道將會縮減為兩條車道。Lake Shore大道暫無通往Jarvis街的南行通道。
o 所有方向禁止左轉。Jarvis 街北行線,與Lake Shore大道交叉路口只許右轉。
o Gardiner高速公路將於8月29日(星期六)早上6點至8月30日(星期日)早上6點在Jarvis 街和Cherry 街之間縮減為一條東行車道。Gardiner西行方向不受影響。
· 作為ActiveTO計劃的一部分,本市主要幹道的部分路段將於8月29日(星期六)早上6點至8月30日(星期日)晚上11點之間關閉:
- Lake Shore大道西路(僅限東行線),從Windermere大道到Stadium路之間。因此,Gardiner高速公路東行線下坡道通往Lake Shore大道西路的146號出口也將關閉;
- Lake Shore大道東路(僅限東行線)從Leslie街剛好到Woodbine大道以南(Kew Beach大道));
- 以及Bayview大道從Front街東路到Rosedale Valley路之間和River街從Gerrard街東路到Bayview大道之間。 更多資訊
August 28 2020 – E-Newsletter
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 15,925 total cases
- 26 new confirmed cases
- 40 hospitalized
- 1,174 deaths
- 14,442 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
Please Close and Lock Your Garage Doors
My office has received reports of thieves walking into garages left open and unattended. Under no circumstances should you leave your garage doors wide open and unattended, even for the smallest amount of time. Lock up your garage the moment you intend to leave its line of sight.
City of Toronto
· The City of Toronto continues to respond to COVID-19. As the virus continues to circulate in the community, residents are reminded to adhere to Toronto Public Health’s advice to practise physical distancing, stay within their social circle of no more than 10 people, wash hands often and wear a mask or face covering where mandatory or when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Wearing a mask or face covering is required in indoor public spaces in Toronto.
· As more of the city’s businesses continue to reopen, residents can learn about what to expect and what is required by clicking here.
· The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services, social supports and economic recovery measures. Read more…
· There will be a partial intersection closure at Lake Shore Boulevard and Jarvis St. this weekend as part of Gardiner renewal work between Jarvis and Cherry Streets.
o From 12:01 am Saturday, August 29 to 4:59 am, Monday, August 31, westbound Lake Shore Boulevard will be reduced to two lanes leading up to Jarvis St. There will be no southbound access to Jarvis St. at Lake Shore Boulevard.
o Left turns will be prohibited in all directions. Only northbound right turns will be permitted on Jarvis St. at Lake Shore Boulevard.
o The Gardiner Expressway will be reduced to a single eastbound lane from 6:00 am Saturday, August 29 to 6:00 am Sunday, August 30, between Jarvis St. and Cherry St. The Gardiner is not affected in the westbound direction.
· As part of ActiveTO, parts of major roads in the city will be closed from Saturday, August 29 at 6:00 am to Sunday, August 30 at 11:00 pm:
- Lake Shore Boulevard West (eastbound lanes only) from Windermere Avenue to Stadium Road. As a result, the eastbound Gardiner Expressway off ramp to Lake Shore Boulevard West (exit #146) will also be closed;
- Lake Shore Boulevard East (eastbound lanes only) from Leslie Street to just south of Woodbine Avenue (Kew Beach Avenue); and,
Bayview Avenue from Front Street East to Rosedale Valley Road, and River Street from Gerrard
Street East to Bayview Avenue.
Councillor Jim Karygiannis
Ward 22, Scarborough-Agincourt
Phone: 416-392-1374
Fax.: (647) 723 0278