詹嘉禮市議員:COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月18日
1. 有人正在使用在草坪上的電纜(Hydro Corridor)和學校旁邊公園的垃圾和回收箱棄置個人垃圾,請停止該行為並將垃圾帶回家中處理。
2. 就如您在早前聽說過,有人因現時道路上的交通已減少而使用我們的街道賽車。另外,亦有行人不遵守交通燈號過路。請為您自己的性命安全著想遵守過路燈號的指示。
許多人的生活已受到COVID-19疫情的影響。即使他們已被解雇,但他們仍需要為家庭提供日常食品。請考慮捐贈食物給於本區的食物銀行。你可以透過我們為食物銀行提供捐助。有意請致電416 392 1374或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Agincourt Community Church(救世軍) 正需要以下食品:
• 米
• 盒裝玉米片
• 罐頭肉
• 罐頭湯
• 意大利面
地址:3080 Birchmount Road, Scarborough, ON M1W 3K3
North American Muslim Foundation (NAMF) 正需要以下食品:
• 麵粉
• 油
• 鹽
• 糖
• 小扁豆
• 意大利面
• 鷹嘴豆
• 罐頭蔬菜
• 罐頭魚
地址: 4140 Finch Avenue East, Scarborough, ON M1S 3T9
Agincourt Community Services (愛靜閣服務社區協會)正需要以下物資:
• 不容易腐爛的食物
• 嬰兒止尿片(所有尺寸)
• 女性衛生用品
• 個人衛生用品
• 獨立裝洗手液
地址: 1911 Kennedy Road, Unit 105, Scarborough, ON M1S 1T4
該項目的邊界為McNicoll Avenue 的北面、Midland Avenue 的東面、Finch Avenue East 的南面和 Kennedy Road 的西面。多倫多電力公司預計該項工程將於2020年4月展開。
如有任何疑問,請致電416-542-3366與多倫多電力公司聯絡。 如需查看工程位置,請瀏覽: http://karygiannis.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/General-Letter-Hydro.pdf
St. Lawrence Market 只於週二至六營業
• 週二至五: 早上九點至下午五點
• 週六: 早上五點至下午四點
在周日和週一St. Lawrence Market 將不會營業。客戶流量在平日普遍較少,但是市場每天仍會管理客流量,以確保客戶能保持社交隔離。另外,每天的客戶流量高峰期是營業時間開始後的第一個小時。早上普遍較下午繁忙。St. Lawrence Market 鼓勵客戶每天將上午十點到上午十一點的時間段讓給老年人和其他弱勢社區成員。
• Gardiner Expressway 高速公路於Sherbourne Street 和 Jarvis Street 的西行出口將於4月19日星期天凌晨12:01重新開放。
• 安大略省政府已與Rogers Communications 公司和 Apple 公司合作,在COVID-19爆發期間幫助學生和家庭的教育需求。
• 安大略省各校區董事會將會購買和分發iPad設備。他們將預先配備免費的Rogers LTE無線數據。
• 蘋果公司正在為教師,家長和學生提供法語和英語教學的持續支援,並提供了一系列資源來支持家中的學習和工作。
• 有需要的家庭將獲得iPad, 總數超過21,000台。 Rogers的無線數據在6月底之前將會免費。
• 安大略省呼籲該省所有研究機構,高等教育機構和非牟利科學合作夥伴採取積極行動,開發創新解決方案,以監控及克服COVID-19疫情。
• Rogers允許符合條件的家庭以每月9.99加元的價格註冊高速互聯網,並且無需支付超額費用。有關資格詳情請參閱: 點擊這裡
• 省政府將投資2000萬加元用以推動醫學研究及開發對付COVID-19等傳染病的工具和資源來對付COVID-19等傳染病。詳情請看:點擊這裡
• 加拿大和美國已決定將現行邊境限制延長30天。
• 加拿大政府將為原住民企業提供超過3.06億加元的撥款。這筆資金將由原住民金融機構提供,並由全國原住民資本公司協會管理。原住民企業將獲得短期免息貸款和無償捐款。詳情請看:點擊這裡
COVID-19 Updates – April 18 2020
For staying home and keeping safe!
Here are a couple of ways you can stay safe as we combat this dreadful virus.
1. People seem to be using the garbage and recycling bins, in the Hydro field and those in parks next to schools, for their personal garbage. PLEASE STOP!! Take your garbage and recycling home with you.
2. As you may have heard, due to less traffic on the roads, some people are using our streets are race tracks. Also, pedestrians are taking chances by crossing against red lights. Is not waiting for the green light worth your life?
COVID-19 has caused disruption and hardship in many people‘s lives – they have been laid off and are trying to keep a roof over the heads of their families and food on the table. Please consider donating to the food banks in Ward 22. We will pick up your donations for the food banks within the Ward. Please call us at 416 392 1374 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Agincourt Community Church (Salvation Army) is in need of:
• Rice;
• Boxed Cereals;
• Canned Meat;
• Canned Soups; and,
• Pasta.
3080 Birchmount Road
Scarborough, ON M1W 3K3
North American Muslim Foundation (NAMF) is in need of:
• Flour;
• Oil;
• Salt;
• Sugar;
• Lentils;
• Pasta;
• Chick Peas;
• Canned Vegetable; and,
• Canned Fish.
4140 Finch Avenue East,
Scarborough, ON M1S 3T9
Agincourt Community Services is in need of:
• non-perishable items;
O baby diapers (all sizes);
O feminine hygiene products;
O personal hygiene products; and
O individual size hand sanitizer
1911 Kennedy Road, Unit 105
Scarborough, ON M1S 1T4
Toronto Hydro will be conducting work to rebuild and relocate the overhead electrical system in preparation for the GO Expansion Electrification program.
The boundaries of the project are McNicoll Avenue (North), Midland Avenue (East), Finch Avenue East (South) and Kennedy Road (West). Toronto Hydro expects the work to begin in April, 2020.
If you have any questions, please contact Toronto Hydro at 416-542-3366. To view the location, please visit http://karygiannis.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/General-Letter-Hydro.pdf
The St. Lawrence Market is open five days a week
Tuesday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturdays from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m.
It is closed on Sundays and Mondays. Customer traffic tends to be lighter on weekdays, however, capacity is managed every day to ensure customers have space to perform physical distancing. The first hour of shopping sees the highest number of customers. Mornings are busier than afternoons. St. Lawrence Market encourages customers to reserve 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. daily for seniors and other vulnerable community members.
COVID-19: Status of Cases in Toronto click here
City of Toronto
• The Gardiner Expressway’s westbound Sherbourne/Jarvis off-ramp will reopen on Sunday, April 19, at 12:01 a.m.
Government of Ontario
• The Ontario Government has partnered with Rogers Communications and Apple to help meet the educational needs of students and families during the COVID-19 outbreak.
O iPad devices are being purchased and distributed by Ontario school boards. They are pre-equipped with free Rogers LTE wireless data.
O Apple is providing ongoing support in French and English to teachers, parents and students, with a collection of resources to support learning and working from home.
O Over 21,000 iPads will be sent to the homes of families in need. Free Rogers wireless data will be available until the end of June.
O Rogers is allowing eligible households to sign up for high-speed Internet with no overage fees for $9.99 monthly.
O The Provincial Government is investing $20 million to advance medical research and develop tools and resources to combat COVID-19 and other infectious diseases through the Ontario Ontario COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund
Ontario is calling on all of the province’s research institutions, postsecondary institutions and non-profit scientific partners to take action in developing innovative solutions to track and defeat COVID-19.
Government of Canada
• Canada and the United States have bilaterally agreed to extend current border restrictions by 30 days.
• The Government of Canada will allocate over $306 million to Indigenous Businesses. This funding will be provided through Aboriginal financial institutions and administered by the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association. It will allow Indigenous businesses to access short term interest-free loans and non-repayable contributions.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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