在12月的第三周和第四周,新冠疫情在恆福護理院大面積蔓延,大多數院友都接觸到病毒。正如北約克全科醫院感染預防和控制醫學總監Kevin Katz醫生所述,即使在接管當日就採取更多有效措施的最佳情況下,預計在實施強化防控措施後近兩週,病例仍會增加。
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Update on Tendercare Living Centre long-term care home
Today, there were no new resident COVID-19 cases and no new staff cases at the long-term care home. There are six (6) active resident cases in the home and 104 resolved cases, indicating that it has been 10 days since their lab test confirming COVID-19 and the resident is no longer showing COVID-19 symptoms.
Today, 90 staff have resolved cases, and we welcomed back 48 staff who returned to work at the home.
A COVID-19 outbreak is declared over in a long-term care home when there are no new cases for residents and staff in 14 days. Tendercare long-term care home is moving steadily toward resolving the outbreak.
In the last day, two (2) residents have passed away from COVID-19-related causes. Our deep condolences go out to the families who have lost loved ones to this devastating disease.
A difficult reality of COVID outbreaks in long-term care and retirement homes is that some residents die from the virus despite very significant improvements in infection prevention and control practices and high levels of clinical care.
The majority of Tendercare residents were exposed to the virus when there was widespread transmission at Tendercare during the third and fourth week in December. As explained by Dr. Kevin Katz, Medical Director for Infection Prevention and Control at North York General Hospital, even in the best-case scenario where additional effective measures were put in place on day one, additional cases are expected for nearly two weeks from when these enhanced infection and control measures were implemented.
In certain vulnerable and elderly populations, some individuals will resolve their infection and recover while others will develop complications and pass away despite health professionals’ best efforts.
For more information contact:
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs
North York General Hospital
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