Andrea Piunno
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215 Tendercare long-term care residents and staff receive the COVID-19 Vaccine today
We are pleased to report that 215 staff and residents at the Tendercare Living Centre long-term care home were vaccinated today. In total, 102 residents and 113 staff received the vaccine, which is being provided to long-term care homes across the province over the next few weeks.
There are no new resident COVID-19 cases and no new staff cases at the long-term care home today. There are 20 active resident cases in the home and 91 resolved cases, indicating that it has been 10 days since their lab test confirming COVID-19 and the resident is no longer showing COVID-19 symptoms.
For the third consecutive day, there are no COVID-19-related deaths at the long-term care home. This is an encouraging sign that the enhanced clinical care and infection prevention and control measures now in place continue to improve the situation as we move forward with resolving the outbreak and stabilizing the long-term care home. The total number of individuals who have died from COVID-19 during the outbreak remains 73.
Today, 80 staff have resolved cases, and 43 have returned to work at the home.
The team at Tendercare continues to work tirelessly to resolve the outbreak and ensure the best possible outcomes and quality of life for the residents.
For more information contact:
Andrea Piunno
North York General Hospital
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