【多倫多,2021年2月2日】— 北約克全科醫院欣喜通報,北約克全科醫院感染預防和控制醫學總監和多倫多公共衛生局於2021年2月1日宣布恆福護理院的新冠疫情結束。如果連續14日院友和員工均無新冠肺炎確診病例,即可宣布新冠疫情結束。
12月25日,安省長期護理廳批准了北約克全科醫院與恆福護理院簽署的《自願管理協議》。 《自願管理協議》是臨時協議,通過該協議,醫院為遭受嚴重疫情及面臨人員短缺的長期護理院提供領導與支持。
北約克全科醫院臨時總裁兼首席執行官Karyn Popovich表示:“疫情結束對於在恆福護理院生活和工作的人士以及深受這種可怕病毒影響的家庭來說,是一個充滿希望的轉折點。” “我們在期盼更加美好的未來的同時,也不禁為被疫情奪去親人和摯友的損失感到十分難過。”
恆福護理院《自願管理協議》執行負責人Susan Kwolek表示:“我們現在將全部精力集中在恢復上,以確保護理院具備防止疫情再次爆發的條件並符合所有長期護理標準。”“對於院友來說,這意味著可以重回正常的生活軌跡,包括在保證安全的前提下參加他們喜愛的活動。”
Melissa Londono企業傳播與公共事務部
COVID-19 Outbreak Declared Over at Tendercare Living Centre
(Toronto, February 2, 2021) – North York General Hospital (NYGH) is pleased to announce that NYGH’s Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Control and Toronto Public Health have declared the COVID-19 outbreak at Tendercare Living Centre (Tendercare) long-term care home over on February 1, 2021. An outbreak is considered over when it has been 14 days since a resident or staff member has tested positive for COVID-19.
On December 25, the Ministry of Long-Term Care approved a Voluntary Management Agreement (VMA) between NYGH and Tendercare.VMAs are temporary agreements whereby hospitals provide leadership and support to long-term care homes experiencing serious outbreaks and staffing shortages.
“The end of the outbreak is a hopeful turning point for those who live and work at Tendercare and the families who have been impacted by this terrible virus,” said Karyn Popovich, Interim President & CEO, North York General Hospital. “While we look toward brighter days ahead, we are deeply saddened by the losses suffered by the family and friends of the residents who died.”
Over 90 days, NYGH is working in partnership with the staff and management at Tendercare to resolve the outbreak and stabilize staffing and operations at the home to prevent further spread of COVID-19 and provide care to residents, many of whom have complex health needs.
“We are now turning our full attention to recovery, ensuring the home is equipped to prevent future outbreaks and meeting all long-term care standards,” said Susan Kwolek, Executive Lead, Voluntary Management Agreement for Tendercare. “For residents, this means settling back into everyday life and routines at the home including safely taking part in the activities they enjoy.”
As of February 1, 108 residents and 105 staff have resolved cases. Sixty-seven staff have returned to work and staffing levels for PSWs, nurses, physicians and other key roles are stable.
Once NYGH was asked for assistance, the organization and many partners mobilized to help Tendercare. NYGH’s Infection Prevention and Control team, Environmental Services, and other experts, over 40 physicians from across Ontario, and nursing and PSW staff from NYGH, the Central East LHIN, and Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences answered the call to support outbreak management, training and education and to help care for residents and support staff. Communications with the families has been enhanced including a Family Support Line and the renewal of the Family Council. Partnerships with local organizations are key to safeguarding residents and preventing future outbreaks, including with the Scarborough Health Network, which is leading the vaccination program for Tendercare.
For more information contact:
Melissa Londono
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs